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#28 Morin, A., Rabbat, I., Loranger, Y., Fournier, V., Bergeron, P., MacKell, S., Smale, P., Kerekes, T., Colla, S., Tissier, M.L., (2025). Pol-NIC: an open database on Pollen Nutrients, Imaging and Contaminants. Le Dépôt fédéré de données de recherche. Under Review.


#27 Haroune L., Saïbi S., Loranger Y., Rabbat I., Tissier M.L. Multidimensional assessment of nutritional composition, contaminants and biological properties of bee pollen. Under review, Preprint available here.

Peer-reviewed Publications
(students are underlined)

#26 Schiller L., Tissier M.L., Davis A.C.D., Lamb C., Mayer O.S., Menzies A., Shahmohamadloo R., Vanderwolf K. (2025). Hopeful insights from wildlife recoveries in Canada. FACETS 10 (January 2025): 1–17.

>> Media: The Narwhal


#25 Fleitz J., Hebrard A., Kourkgy C., Reiners T.E., Garnier L., Tissier M.L.* & Handrich Y* (2024).  Can subadult captive-bred Common hamsters (Cricetus cricetus) reproduce in the wild? New perspectives for restocking programs. Mammalian Biology, 1-12. * These authors equally contributed to this work.


#24 Tissier M.L., Blair, C., MacKell, S., Adler, L. S., MacIvor, J. S., Bergeron, P., Callaghan C., Labrie G., Colla S. & Fournier, V. (2024). A non-destructive method to detect pathogens in bumble bees for conservation research. Journal of Pollination Ecology 36, (11): 122-134.


#23 Shahmohamadloo R.*, Tissier M.L.* & Guzman L.M.* (2024) Risk assessments underestimate threat of pesticides to wild bees. Conservation Letters, e13022. * These authors equally contributed to this work.
         >> Specialized press: CNRS Ecology & Environment (FR)


#22 Allain J., Tissier M.L, Bergeron P., Garant D., Réale D. (2023) Influence of the pace-of-life and age at first reproduction on individual reproductive senescence in a pulsed-resource system. Oikos, e09944, doi: 10.1111/oik.09944.


#21 Fleitz J., Enstipp M., Parent E., Jumeau J., Handrich Y.*, Tissier M.L*. (2023) Improving the success of restocking programs: effects of a pre-release training period on the anti-predatory behavior of common hamsters. PeerJ, 11, e15812. * Equal contribution.


#20 Selimovic A.Tissier M.L., Stalder G., Painer-Gigler J., Haw A., Rauch A. & Arnold W. (2023) The effect of dietary niacin deficiency on reproduction of European brown hares: an experimental study. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 11:1083045, doi: 10.3389/fevo.2023.1083045.


#19 Tissier M.L., Kraus S., Gómez-Moracho T. and Lihoreau M. (2023) Supplementation in vitamin B3 counteracts the negative effects of tryptophan deficiencies in bumble bees. Conservation Physiology, 11(1), coac084,

#18 Selimovic A., Tissier M.L., Arnold W. (2023) Maize monoculture causes niacin deficiency in free-living European brown hares and impair local population development. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10:1017691, doi: 10.3389/fevo.2022.1098108.​


#17  Tissier M.L., Bergeron P., Garant D., Zahn S., Criscuolo F., Réale D. (2022) Telomere length positively correlates with pace-of-life in a sex- and cohort-specific way and elongate with age in a wild mammal – Molecular Ecology,

        >> Specialized press: University press (UQÀM) | INEE (CNRS) | Savoir(s) - video

        >> Media: Radio-Canada (Les Années Lumière)


​#16  J. D. Roth, F. S. Dobson, P. Neuhaus, A. Abebe, T. Barra, R. Boonstra, P. D. Edwards, M. A. Gonzalez, T. L. Hammer, E. Harscouet, L. K. McCaw, M. Mann, R. Palme, M. L. Tissier, P. Uhlrich, C. Saraux, V. A. Viblanc, (2022). Territorial scent-marking effects on vigilance behavior, space use, and stress in female Columbian ground squirrels. Hormones and Behavior, 13(24), 13521.


​#15  Tissier M. L., Kletty F., Robin J. P., & Habold C. (2021). Sustainable Agriculture: Nutritional Benefits of Wheat–Soybean and Maize–Sunflower Associations for Hibernation and Reproduction of Endangered Common Hamsters. Sustainability, 13(24), 13521.


#14  Constant T., Giroud S., Viblanc V., Tissier M.L., Bergeron P., Dobson S., Habold C. (2020). Integrating mortality risks and the adaptiveness of hibernation. Frontiers in Phyiology;


#13  Tissier M.L., Réale D., Garant D., Bergeron P. (2020). Consumption of red maple in anticipation of beech mast-seeding drives reproduction in Eastern chipmunks. Journal of Animal Ecology,

         > Media: Radio-Canada | University press (UQÀM)


#12  Tissier M.L., Marchandeau S., Habold C., Handrich Y., Eidenschenck J., Kourkgy C. (2019) Weeds as a predominant food source: a review of the diet of common hamsters Cricetus cricetus in farmlands and urban habitats. Mammal Review,


#11  Tissier M.L., Bousquet C.A.H., Fleitz J., Habold C., Petit O., Handrich Y. (2019) Captive-reared European hamsters follow an offensive strategy during risk-assessment. PLoS ONE,


#10  Kletty F., Tissier M.L., Kourkgy K., Capber F., Zahariev A., Chatelain N., Courtecuisse J., Le Maho Y., Habold C. (2018) A focus on the European hamster to illustrate how to monitor endangered species. Integrative Zoology, 14(1), 65-74.


#09  Tissier M. L., Bousquet, C. A., Fleitz, J., Chatelain, N., Habold, C., & Handrich, Y. (2018). An anti-predation device to facilitate and secure the crossing of small mammals in motorway wildlife underpasses. (II) Validation with the European hamster under semi-natural conditions. Ecological Engineering, 125, 106-110.


#08 Weitten M., Tissier M.L., Robin J.-P., Habold C. (2018) Dietary proteins improve hibernation and subsequent reproduction in the European hamster, Cricetus cricetus. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 315: R848–R855, 2018.


#07  Tissier M.L., Kletty F., Handrich Y., and Habold C. (2018) Monocultural sowing in mesocosms decreases the species richness of weeds and invertebrates and critically reduces the fitness of the endangered European hamster. Oecologia,

        >> Featured as the cover of the journal ~here~

        >> National press: Le Monde


#06  Tissier M.L. and Habold C. Metabolic and digestive adaptations of hibernating species. (2017) Cahiers de Nutrition et de Diététique, doi: 10.1016/j.cnd.2017.03.003.


#05  Tissier M.L., Handrich Y., Dallongeville O., Robin J-P. and Habold C. (2017) Diets derived from maize monoculture cause maternal infanticides in the endangered European hamster due to a vitamin B3 deficiency. Proc. R. Soc. B 284: 20162168

        >> Featured as the cover of the journal ~here~

        >> Youth media: Science&Vie | Sciences et Avenir | Science News for Students

        >> Children magazine: Wapiti magazine | Ranger Rick magazine

        >> Specialized and local press : France 3 Grand-Est | Université de Strasbourg (video) | 

        >> National and international media: National Geographic | Le Monde | RTLSmithsonian Magazine | ScienceNews |

                                                                    BBC The Inquiry | The Guardian | Arte | More


#04  Tissier M. L. *, Jumeau J. *, Croguennec C., Petit O., Habold C. & Handrich Y. (2016) An anti-predation device to facilitate and secure the crossing of small mammals in motorway wildlife underpasses. (I) Lab tests of basic design features. Ecological Engineering, 95, 738-742. * Equal contribution.

        >> Local press : France 3 Grand-Est | France Bleu Alsace | l'Alsace


#03  Tissier M. L., Handrich Y., Robin J.-P., Weitten M., Pevet P., Kourkgy C., Habold C. (2016) How maize monoculture and increasing winter rainfall have brought the hibernating European hamster to the verge of extinction. Scientific reports, doi: 10.1038/srep25531.

       >> Specialized press: INEE (CNRS)

       >> National press: Le Monde

       >> International press: National Geographic


#02   Stier A., Massemin S., Zahn S., Tissier M.L. and Criscuolo F. (2015) Starting with a handicap: effects of asynchronous hatching on growth rate, oxidative stress and telomere dynamics in free-living great tits. Oecologia, 179, 4, pp 999-1010.


#01  Tissier M.L., Williams T.D., Criscuolo F. (2014) Maternal effects underlie ageing costs of growth in the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata). PLoS ONE 9(5): e97705 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0097705.

Ph.D. Thesis, reports and outreach publications

Feb 2019 ~ Tissier M.L., Habold C., Kletty F., Eidenschenck J., Marchandeau S., Handrich Y., Oswald P., Revel-Mouroz A., Kourkgy C. Concilier agriculture et préservation de la faune de plaine : le cas du grand hamster en Alsace. Faune Sauvage, N°322. Available here.


Apr 2017 ~ Tissier M.L. Conservation Biology of the European hamster (Cricetus cricetus): nutritional effects of crops on hamsters fitness and evaluation of their antipredatory behavior to upgrade wildlife underpasses. Ph.D. thesis.


Sep 2017 ~ Tissier M.L.  LIFE12 BIO/FR/000979 - RAPPORT E2 - Elaboration et diffusion de recommandations pour les passages à faune" - Technical report for the European Commission and Road builders, with recommendations to upgrade wildlife underpasses.


May 2015 ~ Chaigne A., Tissier M.L., Habold C., Eidenschenck J., Ulrich B. (2015) Le Grand hamster (Cricetus cricetus) en Alsace, quel devenir? Journal Scientifique de la SFEPM – 37th French symposium of mammalogy.

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